
Ebola K - A Terrorism Thriller Book 1 Bobby Adair Book Review

In 1989 the Ebola virus mutated to into an airborne strain that infected humans for the first time on American soil in Reston, Virginia. Through belated containment efforts and luck, nobody died.
Now, in the remote East African village of Kapchorwa, the Ebola virus has mutated into another airborne strain without losing any of its deadly potency.

In this thriller, terrorists stumble across this new, fully lethal strain and while the world fearfully watches the growing epidemic in West Africa as Sierra Leone goes into country-wide lock down, only a few Americans are aware of Ebola K and the danger it poses—to be the deadliest pandemic in the history of mankind.

Can they do anything to protect themselves from this killer disease? Can they stop the terrorists?

Wow just finished the last page of this book and did I say Wow. I've been reading my favorite genre of zombie books like forever...which I'm still obsessed with by the way...but it's a refreshing change to read an alternative type of horror genre. After reading Slow Burn 1 and 2 I loved Bobby's comical but detailed gory way of writing.
This new series however is a huge change but directed in another direction. We have all heard about the reality of the Ebola outbreak last year which hit Africa and really touched home to us all, when both the US and the UK had Ebola patients suffering from it making this outbreak very real and quite frightening. A huge reality check that it could actually happen to any of us if our governments don't put protection in place right now....rant over!

Situated in Denver, Stepmum and Dad Heidi and Paul haven't heard from their son Austin whose been out teaching street kids in a small town in Africa. What they don't know he has been stranded in Kapchorwa as a small outbreak of Ebola breaks out and has stopped to help his friends...which isn't going to end well is it? Austin is your ordinary boy next door who is accidentally in the wrong place at the wrong time as he witnesses horrific suffering and also has to make a huge life choice as he watches his friends fall sick from from this deadly new strain of airborne Ebola.
Bobby has created a complete opposite character from the kind Austin in Najid Almasi whose has vengeful plans for the world using the latest Ebola outbreak, he literally lights a fuse using his loyal army of Jihadists and simply sits back and waits...how easy is that!

Bobby has written this simple plot and we are swept along in this seriously realistic fast paced read, wondering just whats going to happen next. What leader doesn't want to get his hands on Germ Warfare and what better germ than the deadliest of all.
Bobby...bows down....you are officially a...genius!

This could be today's actual headlines and the reality makes things so much more frightening. Love this book and just rushed off to Amazon and downloaded Ebola K 2 and it's 05.10am and I've just got to keep reading lol....sooo sleepy but NEED to read on....!

Remember this first book is free and I love Bobby's honesty with " The first is free and if you like it buy the next" which Ive done and no regrets.

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Author Bio

Bobby was conceived in Japan, born in Michigan, is a card carrying Cherokee, is descended from a Polish slave, an African slave, countless European immigrants, and displaced American Indians. He grew up as a military brat, so lived in ten different states and lost count of the schools he attended before finally graduating high school in Texas. After attending the University of Texas, he lived most of his adult life in and around Austin before moving to Colorado in 2012.
Bobby has starved as a guitar player in a penniless metal band, spent too much money as the owner of several successful restaurants, spent years working for "the man" in large companies as a computer programmer, and made and lost more money than he'd like to admit playing in the stock market.

These days, he spends his time walking his dogs, mountain biking, road biking, hiking in the mountains, still writing code for "the man", and chasing his dream of becoming a successful writer.

All my thanks goes to Bobby for kindly sending me his book to read. All my views and opinions are my own.

Please see more of my reviews of the brilliant Bobby Adair books below.


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