
Project Pi my NEW Raspberry Pi 2 #1

I simply couldn't wait to share my new Project Pi with you all...Im buzzin...!

My fully water-cooled PC.
Ive been interested in computer technology for over 30 years and helped my other half to put together my water cooled PC I'm using right now..images above. But Ive always wanted to build one completely by myself. So when I saw that the Raspberry Pi 2 had been released I just couldn't resist.

The Raspberry Pi 2 Model B is the new version and literally only came out this month and Im so excited to be one of the first to have the Model B revision.
The original version went on sale in February 2012 and sold over 3 million to the home and education markets.
The original Pi concept was a computing board which could provide internet access with HD graphics and input output at very low cost for hobbyist of all ages. 

The Raspberry Pi 2 Model B is 6 times faster than the original; as well as a new quad core Cortex-A7 processor and now features 1GB RAM memory. Plus its now available with the new 1.4 NOOBS software (New Out Of the Box Software) which was still being re-written only last week.

This will be the first of many posts of my new Raspberry Pi 2 Mod and I think Im going to be addicted to these dinky PC's so it maybe the first of many projects as I have so many ideas of what I want to build this into.

The Raspberry Pi 2 arrived from RS Components in this fab packaging with their own logo. 
They offer the most affordable prices of the Pi 2 at this time...would you believe it is ONLY approx £22.85 Plus VAT. Which is incredible for the opportunity to learn modding with such a fun piece of kit! 
You can also get lots of cases and addons for it too...which is my next step!

 The Pi arrived in this gorgeous green and raspberry coloured (of course) cardboard box.

 The power supply comes with 4 different plug attachments for different countries so it can go traveling with me...if I ever wanted to take it.

There is something special about seeing the words Pi 2 Model B that is so exciting and I cant wait to start my new build...sorry "mod"...gotta get the right lingo!
You will have to wait and see what Im planning to build this baby into for my next post. I love retro versus modern tech and this will certainly be that!

So here she is in all her gorgeous naked electro-circuitboardness...isn't she beautiful!

I will be adding a series of Raspberry Pi 2 posts to show you what I'm doing; this post is #1 a quick introduction to the Raspberry Pi 2

Let me know if you like the idea of modding your own Pi 2 and what you would build it into. Do you have the Pi 1 already if so will you be upgrading to this Model B? 
Love to hear from you.

Project PI #1 Introduction.
Project PI #2 Choosing the case.
Project PI #3 Introducing the new ZX 3.14.
 Project PI #4 The Build
Project PI #5 Finished Build


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